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  • Posts

    • My 2016 MKX rear lift gate started to act up by not opening all the way . When dealer tech tried to reset the full open position it did beep 1 time but it didn’t change stop. dealer wants 1000 for new rear lift motor. How complicated is changing the rear actuator? 
    • Been looking and haven't found any posts. Has anyone tried upgrading there old 3g modem to a 4g? Ford sells a kit, but I'm a second owner and would love to see my car in the Lincoln Way app. Just a annoying blue blank screen.   Have also seen people dealing with a parasitic draw because old 3g modem keeps trying to connect. The location is on rear trunk area on passenger side under window.   Thanks in advance      Sav
    • You have probably already found the cause (just got back on this forum) but low power steering fluid can cause a drone at idle to start up. If low, check for leaks.
    • No doubt you have figured this out by now, but the Tire sizes & rims are the same for the 2012 & 2013 my.
    • My guess is these are two separate issues.   On the Sync, make certain you are using the latest version (3.4.23188). If no, update and test. If yes, i would suspect APIM. Try removing all fuses powering your radio and APIM, leave out for several minutes (to allow the capacitors in the modules to completely discharge, say 20 minutes) then test.   On the liftgate, you're going to need to check for codes to isolate which component is failing.   One thing you can do if you cant read codes, is remove to latch connector and look for green crusties (corrosion in the wiring connector.)   You can probably go the Auto Zone and they will read the codes for you. (No cost but they expect you to buy the parts from them.) Other attorneys stores also do this.
    • If they work, fuse is probably good. Sounds more like either a defective main switch or bad ground. As it happens to both rear windows, their motors are probably good and its attributable to a common point. Common point in this case is the main control at the drivers door.   Try opening each rear window using the switch on each rear door. If they work ok, assume they're working properly.   Try locking the rear windows using the switch on drivers door, and unlocking. Then open/close windows. Just to see if this switch is involved.    While a wiring issue could be the cause, I'd first suspect the main switch control on the drivers door.    Intermittent failures can be difficult. Could pull the main control switch and wiggle the wires while activating to rear windows. This would prove out the wiring connector. Pull the connector and look for green crusties (corrosion.)    Usen replacement switches go for around $30-35 eBay, for example    https://www.ebay.com/itm/167039659403?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ctv3iKJpROe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Snv36mbbRk2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY  
    • Most likely cause is the drivers blend door actuator is acting up. These can sometimes be reset do to a fluke. This video will show you how to go about resetting the actuator.     
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