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Posts posted by elijahbird7

  1. I finally got around to taking my 2019 Nautilus with just 5,800 miles on it in to get the wires under the front seats examined and covered with safety material. It was in and out the door washed at my Lincoln only dealer in an hour.  That is only the 2nd time I have had this one in, the first being the software update on the transmission, which has worked perfectly.   I really liked my 2016 MKX, but it had to be in so many times, I just decided to trade it in on the 2019.  Both dark Blue and great looking.

  2. I only have 5,500 miles on it now.  I don't drive it much in the summer because of the 7 other cars, but they are all put away in October and stored until March or April, and the Nautilus is the only driver while the others are stored.

  3. I had a 2014 MKX.  It only went in for 2 oil changes.  Then a 2016 MKX that was at the service department so many times I hardly remember now, but the service manager at my Lincoln only dealer is great.  I now have my 2019 Nautilus. Only thing it was in the service department for was the transmission software update, which worked perfectly and nothing else has ever gone wrong.  So, I will just keep this one for a few more years.

  4. Funny story about the  Chicago plant.  When I first started working in high schools, we could take students on local factory trips.  I took a group there in the early 70's.  As we were watching the cars come off the line, there was one car that just dropped the entire front bumper and had to be quickly moved out of the way.  You all probably remember how big those early 70's bumpers were.

  5. A couple of changes between 2019 and 2020.  The price went up with the options I have on my 2019 by almost $4,000, and with the options that I would want, you have no choice to not have a trailer package, which I had on my '16 MKX, but not on my '19 because I sold my boat to a friend.  I still don't like the dark gray and black coating on the wheels, all they would have to do is offer the same style wheel with a silver coating where that dark coating is now..just looks like brake dust. When it is time to trade I may have to buy a Cadillac, Buick or even a Ford to get shiny wheels that don't look dirty.  I guess I could swap the shiny wheels I have on my '19 to the next one, but why should I have to do that with no options from Lincoln?

  6. Got the Nautilus back early afternoon.  They could find nothing wrong except the battery needed charging.  They say if it is not started and driven more than 5 days, some of the electrical modules turn off to save the charge, so that may be contributing to the issue. 

    I did tell him something else that he found interesting.  I turn off that Auto Start/Stop most of the time when I start the car, and when I do forget to turn it off, it does not do the Start/Stop automatically again until I have started it about 4 more times without turning it off, and there is a "White A" with a white circle around it on the lower left side of the dash when I stop.  He said to try not using it again and see how many times I start it before it automatically goes back to working.  I did not turn it off when I left the dealer and drove around 17 miles home, stopping at many lights and the engine not turning off the whole way home.  So we'll see what happens and if he thinks it has any connection.

  7. Took it in yesterday morning and locked it when I got out and handed the Service Manager the key and he touched the rear door handle and luckily it didn't open for him.  Gave me a Nautilus loaner and off I went.  About 11:00am he called and asked me if I ever don't start it for 5 days or more.  I told him of course I do, since in crappy salt/snow on the road, I stay home, and in the summer I may not start it for 3 to 4 weeks since I have all my old cars out.  He said that after not starting it for 5 days or more, when you walk up to the car and touch a rear door handle, it will not open the doors for a battery saving situation?.  I then asked him why after I have started it, no matter how long since it has been started, then stop somewhere, touch the handle and it doesn't unlock, then drive home, touch it again and it doesn't unlock.  Had no answer to that, and I heard nothing from him today, so am hoping maybe that had to order some module or other part. Once I get it back, I will post the solution if there is one.

  8. Staying home mostly, virus scares and crappy spring weather.  I made an appointment on Tuesday morning to take it in for the service department to figure out what the issue with that non/unlocking door handle is.  I heard the word "module" as a possibility.  Will reply once it gets fixed.

  9. Actually did that 2 days ago.  I emailed the Lincoln Service Manager about what experiences I had with it today, expecting he would reply tomorrow, but he emailed me right back.  At some point he wants me to bring it in.  We decided to wait awhile to see where this "virus" situation goes since it's not something that needs to be fixed in high priority.  He said it could be a module or an issue with an electrical connection somewhere in that door.  Time will tell.

  10. Nothing else electronic on me except for my phone that has always been with me and is connected to the Nautilus. I even went out later today and got another new Key Fob battery just in case the other new one had an issue.

    I played around with that rear door handle many times.  Sometimes if it wouldn't unlock from putting my hand in the handle from the top, then if I tried from the bottom, it would unlock.  Then if I tried from the bottom and it wouldn't unlock, then from the top it would...really crazy.

    Also many times pushing that lock area on top of the handle, and about half the time it would lock and half wouldn't....

    I am almost thinking the rear handle either has an electrical connection issue or just needs replacing.  That would be very odd, since the left rear door handle had to be replaced on my '16 MKX after causing the alarm to go off for no reason.  I took it in 5 times before they figured out it was causing the alarm to go off and then replaced it.


  11. Went out today, touched the rear door handle, and did not unlock.  Touched both door handles on passenger side, and didn't unlock.  Went to a gas station, and touched the rear driver's side handle and it did unlock.  Tried it 4 other times running errands and it never unlocked, so changing the Key Fob battery was not helping at all.

  12. Well, since I only weigh 160lbs, don't think so.  I contacted the Service Manager again this morning by email.  He suggested I change the battery in the Key Fob to see if that could be an issue even though I haven't gotten a notice on the dash to replace it.  Of course the Owner's Manual does not tell you anywhere what the battery number is. You have to take the Key Fob apart to get the number which is 2450.  I did replace it and he said to check the voltage on the original battery, which was showing 2.5W.  The new one will be 3.0W, so who knows if that was low enough on the original battery to cause this issue.  My Nautilus was only 1 year old on March 1st.

    And of course this morning when I was going out to get the new battery, touching the rear door handle it did unlock.

  13. Had to go back out for dinner.  Rear door did not unlock again.  I tried the interior lock/unlock like I did before, and this time it did nothing.  When I got to the restaurant, I tried it again and still did not work.  Came back out to go home, and still would not unlock.  Got home, touched the rear door handle and it did unlock, so have no idea what is causing this issue.

  14. It has been working every time until today when I was headed out to lunch.  Driver's side rear door would not unlock, same for both doors on the passenger side.  I had thought of a couple things to try.  First was to use the key fob to open and close the rear hatch.  That did not make any difference.  Then stopped at lunch, pushed the inside door lock, shut the driver's door and then touched the rear door handle, and again would not unlock.  Drove home, tried it again, and still would not unlock from the rear handle.  Tried my second idea which was to push the lock and unlock switch on the driver's door about 5 times, leaving it in the lock position.  Closed the door, touched the rear door handle, and it then worked!  So next time it doesn't work, I will try this again and see if that is the answer.

  15. There have been a few times I have forgotten to push the off Start/Stop switch, and for some reason it stays off for about 5 starts before it goes back on again.  The first time I noticed it was when I didn't turn it off and came up to a train crossing stop.  I assumed the engine would stop since I forgot to turn it off, but it didn't.  So I just shut it off myself.  Then ran a few errands and didn't turn it off, and about 5 starts it stayed off, but eventually it did turn itself back on..  I found that kind of strange...

  16. I always turn the Start/Stop off..  it's quite easy to remember to push the off switch just after pushing the Start switch.  I do this because I live in a suburban area and never drive during rush hour.  The 2.7 V/6 seems smooth though the few times I have forgotten to turn it off.  

  17. Got an email about 10 days ago from my Lincoln Dealer.  It was a President's Day Ad.  I sent an email to the Sales Manager.  She said no one else noticed that issue and thanked me for letting her know!


  18. The Chicago Auto Show always has two local news stations record a one hour program about the show.  In previous years, they would go through each Brand of cars present, showing what was new.  They no longer do that, only showing customers playing video games and Jeeps going up and down high "roads" and showing whatever is going on outside with acceleration runs.  Very boring.  Lincoln was there though and one female broadcaster said her favorite car there was a Corsair, but never showed it...

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