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Everything posted by elijahbird7

  1. Today is sunny and mid-50° here. I had to get a new Hydralic Jack from Harbor Freight because my old one is just past due for replacement and I need a good one to change oil on my Classic Cars. On the way home, I opened the Moonroof for the first time, arrived home, took the new Jack out of the rear hatch and closed it. I then put my Car Cover on the Nautilus, went inside and about 15 minutes later, the alarm was going off and my phone notification from the Lincoln Way App beeped as well. So, I figured maybe the big Cargo Package Matt had slipped back and the rear hatch hadn't closed completely. Checked that and pushed it forward a little and closed the hatch again, locked it up and 15 minutes later, Alarm going again. It seemed like the Sound was coming from the rear of the car, not like my MKX which had sounded like it came from under the hood, and not as loud as my MKX was, but anyway, I finally figured out I hadn't closed the Moonroof...like I said, Stupid Me!!
  2. I actually liked the amount of color on my '16 MKX dash. Maybe at some point a software update will allow a background color, but probably unlikely.
  3. I did try S tonight, and it didn’t do the same because it shifts at higher RPM. One thing I didn’t notice before when using S was the Automatic Engine shut down at a stop is automatically turned off when using S instead of D.
  4. This is from the 2020 Ford Explorer. Wouldn't it be nice if we could change the dash background color to whatever color we liked???
  5. I know we have taking this topic in a different direction, but today I noticed something that the "twirling sound" may be related to. When I stopped the car, and had the radio off, when I Pulled On the electric parking brake switch while it was still running, it made that same sound I have been trying to figure out when turning it on. Not sure why unlocking the car would be connected to the electric parking brake, but it sure sounds like what I have been hearing outside the car. Try it and see if you get the same sound. I actually heard it today just as I approached the car, but had not yet touched the door handle to unlock it. Don't remember hearing that on my '16 MKX.
  6. Vin# 31160. Happy with the fit.
  7. I have noticed something a little odd. In my area, there are several areas of 35 mph speed limits. It seems like when I go from a stop, and just get close to the 35 mph limit, and have very little pressure on the gas pedal to not go past that speed, the transmission shifts kind of slowly between 2nd and 3rd, and the tach goes from 1.5 to 2000 RPM during that shift. But in a 45 mph speed area, it shifts just like it should between 2nd and 3rd because I am giving it more throttle. Doubt this is a real issue, but it seems a little strange. Of course I have it in D, so I guess I'll have to try S and see if happens there at all, likely not.
  8. Here is the Nautilus rear end without a trailer hitch.
  9. Today, when I went to the Nautilus, with the key fob in my pocket, instead of touching the driver's door, I touched the rear door instead. And it did sound like that noise was coming from the inside of the rear tailgate...so still no idea where it is actually originating. Never had that noise with my '16 MKX for sure.
  10. At first, I almost thought it was coming from the rear hatch, but still not completely sure. I only keep the Key Fob in my pocket, and that noise only happens when I touch the door handle and it unlocks. I did notice today though that when I went out to lunch, had a quick Burger and walked back to the car, when touching the handle to unlock, that time there was no weird noise. And I think I noticed that a previous time I was out of the car for a short time.
  11. My dealer had this Rhapsody Blue one in stock. It didn't seem to have as much sparkle to the paint, and it did look Black from certain angles. But, I have 8 cars, and 7 are Blue, so either way, it should be a good choice.
  12. Very cool, so I guess the Rhapsody Blue with the Coffee interior didn't take you in that direction? I am still hoping I get the Chromed 21" wheels in April, but they said it could take 6 to 8 weeks, and today is week 4, since I ordered them before I got the car. Just passed 500 miles on it this week.
  13. I do notice some odd noise when I walk up and put my hand on the driver's door handle and the door unlocks. It sounds like a whirling sound coming from the rear door area as it unlocks, I think.
  14. Best of luck, but the interior name is actually, "Medium Slate"....and I am very happy with it.
  15. Ok, since the Rhapsody Blue one came in early, what's the chance the Blue Diamond one will as well? Since the dealer has caused this issue, ask them not to sell the Rhapsody Blue until the Blue Diamond arrives, them park them outside together and give you some time to look them both over and then choose which one you like best. It sounds like your lease is not up so soon that you have to make a quick decision.
  16. I looked at the Rhapsody several times, and the Blue Diamond has a lot of "sparkle-metallic" when the sun shines on it. I also thought the Rhapsody was quite dark, almost looking Black. So, if your dealer has both colors in stock, take your time to look them over.
  17. I think the one I had on my MKX I bought at Walmart. It was just square, black rubber, and didn't draw attention.
  18. Just thinking that rear end style will eventually be on the Nautilus as well.
  19. This will definitely look more like a smaller Aviator than the previous MKC.
  20. This was when it was getting cleaned at the Dealer the day I bought it, and it took the cashier both hands to hold the check, since it was full payment.
  21. Every time I look at this, I think Lincoln should have designed it with the Lincoln symbol.
  22. Some of the ones I saw early in dealer stock had some issues with how the hood aligned with the front area around the headlights from one side to the other. That was the first thing I looked at on my Nautilus, and the fit is very good now. Mine was built in January.
  23. I had a square black rubber cover that slides in the hitch hole, and it wasn't that obvious a hitch was even there. Nothing at all like my previous F-150's.
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